So for my first submission I first tried out trying to shrink a Rust binary but that didnt work since Rust produces fuckhuge binaries so I switched gears to VBS since its something I thought would be easier (and it is!)
As for initial concept of how to go about the objective of getting the flag, there was discussion in the discord about using HTTPS GET requests to do it and that was all I really needed! Well that and a way to print it/get it to appear on screen.
also this is my first time with VBS lol
poc :
Dim o
Set o = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") "GET", "", False
msgbox "" & o.responseText
0) so i've learned that vbs uses objects. Dim declares the object as local and Set sets the variable as an object to reference. in this case i am using MSXML2.XMLHTTP (msxml is the parser and xmlhttp is actual object type used to fetch data from server)
1) create object
2) set object type (MSXML2.XMLHTTP)
3) run .open with 3 (out of 5) pieces: desired request type, url and False. the default for the 3rd value is True and requires an "onreadystate" callback property, so set to False to save space. the other 2 paramters you can pass are for auth (uname and pass) but we don't need them here.
4) send must be called next to send the request to destination
5) the response from destination is held in .responseText so youll need a way to display it
6) i used msgbox but theres other ways to print to the screen :) msgbox format:
msgbox "yourstringhere" & yourvariablehere (in this case o.responseText)
payoff! ^_^

Final Thoughts
so yeah easy stuff idk i had fun with this and learned a lot. initially i found the code and decided to learn the flow of how it worked. there are most likely more/better ways to do this but hey it works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
thx 4 reading!!
special thanks to netspooky for introducing me to BGGP and the rest of the binary golf discord <3 yall are mad talented and sweet!! ty 4 ur encouragement and guidance :)