
im writing a guide to Goukis in DL. why? cuz its a pretty simple loop and they r my fave :)

this guide will assume you know the current ygo summoning mechanics. for reference, please view my guide: here

i will add pics for reference later, sry for the bare bones

So...Goukis, huh?

this archetype runs off a few key pieces and here i want to show why theyre my fave currently

the key to the success of the archetype is the shared effect they all have which is "if this card is sent from the field to the GY, fetch 1 Gouki card from your deck to your hand" which is so baller and unlike anything else i've played so far. anyway, the loop is here:

Main Phase 1:

Draw starting hand, lay down any gouki monster facedown unless you pull Suprex, or if you have Headbatt and have enough monsters to get 2 on the field for the first Link Summon

 > If you go turn 1, either leave the monster(s) on the field so you can fetch Suprex/Headbatt and prepare Backrow -or- pop Links up to a Great Ogre to AoE lower defense on them hoes (in Backrow we trust)

 > If you go turn 2 and you can attack this turn, Loop continues:

Summon Suprex to lay another Gouki monster on the field. use Bearhug to halve an opponent's monter's ATK or Twistcobra in case you need the ATK boost for later.

Link Summon Jet Ogre, fetch 2 cards when the materials hit the GY. Fetch Headbatt & another Gouki or Re-Match, then use Headbatt's effect to Special Summon it from the hand

Use Jet Ogre and Headbatt to Link Summon Great Ogre from ED, fetch Finishing Move and pump Great Ogre by 500 with both monsters hitting the GY

Now at this point if they have no Backrow or Handtraps (that ur aware of 9u9) you can swing. If they still have Backrow:

Use Re-Match to special summon 2 Goukis from the GY, then Link Summon Knightmare Phoenix and activate effect to pop a Backrow. If Great Ogre is still alive and you colink it with KP, you can also draw 1 card.


Great Ogre's effect subtracts all other monsters Original Def from their Atk, so for reference a BEWD goes from 3000/2500 to a 500/2500. Great Ogre has 2600 Original Atk and gets +500 from Jet Ogre hitting the GY, puts it at 3100

Now use Gouki Finishing Move, which adds 1000 Atk per Link Rating and gives Piercing....at the cost of only being able to attack with only Gouki monsters that turn...

Gouki Great Ogre now has 6100 Atk and can do piercing damage. In Duel Links most folks only have 4000 base LP(sometimes 5000 if they are running LP Boost Alpha) so literally 1 attack wins you the game. Thats it. You win :) thx 4 reading!!